星期六, 七月 28, 2012

My Ipad and others

Last night, I made my own Ipad.
And long ago, I went to my friend's house to make a I-phone.
And yesterday was 100 days at school.
And I get to pick a class and make activities.
And I made a crown and a 100-bracelet.


星期四, 七月 26, 2012

Rainbow dog

This is my toy dog.
She is called Megan.*
She is a Rainbow dog.
She speaks Chinese and English.
She can do a splits.
She is good at exerciseing.
She is 7 years old.
her birthday is in November the 4th.
She can jump 100 times very quick like in one minute.
She is good at drawing and colouring in.
She eats everything.


×小狗狗的名字开始时叫Megan, 可是后来不断的换名字,到后来我都不记得叫什么了(可能她也忘了)。

星期三, 七月 25, 2012

A Witch

A witch having a bath taking of things.
The witch was gone.
The witch was invisible.
She wanted to pretend she is dead.
The other witches were sad.
They cry.
The other witches know she was invisible.
They pretend to cry.
They were having a show.
The audience laughed.
It was a funny show.
The other witches cooked the witch that was invisible.
The witch that was invisible was alive.
She smaked one witches botom.
Then she ran away.
The end.

