星期日, 一月 13, 2008

雅雅教室之 脸部瑜珈 Yaya Face Yoga

你知道,一般人每天总会上一次厕所,平均 5-10 分钟,可是坐在马桶上很闷啊,又不能玩玩具,该做些什么有意义的事?
雅雅老师给大家一些建议 :做做脸部瑜珈!厕所是个隐蔽又自在的地方、放轻松的时刻,所以上厕所时做脸部瑜珈不必担心人家看得见而尴尬,做完还可以消除女人最恨的「大饼脸」,好处多多。

When you are bored in the loo, try Teacher Yaya's Face Yoga! It has a lot of benefits, especially it will make your face smaller and firmer. You will also have a happy mood! Follow Yaya and try this!

First, relax. A smile on your face would be helpful.

When you are relaxed, you can make a "Yuck" expression for 5 seconds. In short, make your lips in a line, this will reduce the fats on your cheek.

Now, you should be able to feel that your face muscle is more relaxed. Next, form your lips in "O" shape and have the sound of "O". Hold for 5 seconds. This should be able to slim down your mouth.

Next, pucker up and hold for 10 seconds. This will help to reduce double chin. Audience who has thick double chin like my mother should do this for 10 minutes.

Try to contract your lips more, otherwise the effect will not be so obvious. You can check by using your finger to touch and see whether it's tight enough.

10 seconds later, try to feel your chin, isn't it much of the fat burned?

The whole Face Yoga exercise needs only 1 minute. However, those who needs it desperately (like my mom) or those who has constipation, you may repeat the exercise as desired.

All the best to your "face slimming" project!

2 条评论:

匿名 说...

LOL! So funny!! I will try it in front of the mirror :-P

雅雅和茶媽媽 说...

Hi Alessandra! Do try and let Teacher Yaya knows whether it's effective!