星期一, 十一月 19, 2007

什么来的? Whatz that?


I have been learning to talk, at the moment I could express myself well and like to ask questions. I would like to know whatever things that I never seen before, or things that seen but not known what they are in the past. I keep asking people "Whatz that?" (Mom: Correct way should be "What is that?") until they give me satisfying answers.


As I was cheated several times when I was much younger, now I have learnt to be very careful. Even though I have got answer from one of them, I will still ask others for the same answer, in case they pull my legs again.

Isn't that I am a careful person!?

5 条评论:

匿名 说...


雅雅和茶媽媽 说...


匿名 说...

So besides being such a cute baby little yaya is also curious and intelligent! I had no doubt about it!!^_^

匿名 说...


匿名 说...
