星期二, 十二月 25, 2007



I slept most of the time inside the car during the 10 days trip, but not if the journey is too long or too short, so I will think of some games to keep myself entertained, as well as to entertain the others.


Game #1: making fruit juice


[ 放 Orange, 放 Apple. ] (假装从袋里拿出橙与苹果)
[ 一、二、三,嗯~嗯~~ ](用手按着想象中的打果汁机,然后喊出声音)
[ 阿公的,爸爸的,妈妈的。。。] (车上每个人都分到一杯果汁,而且还要加装“嗖”的喝下去)
[ 放 Orange, 放 Apple. ] (娘心里 OS :吓?又来?不要了吧,已经喝得尿涨了。。。)

Climbed down from my car seat to the middle of the car, lets get started;

"Put orange, put apple". (pretend taking out orange and apple from a bag)
"one, two, three, nng~nng~~" (pressing the juice extractor in my imagination, and imitating the noise of the extractor)
"for grandpa, for papa, for mama"... (everyone inside the car get a cup of fruit juice, and they have to pretend drinking the juice)
"put orange, put apple". (mama cried for help: What? Not again?)


Game #2: pain pain!


[ 妈妈,雅雅痛痛!]
[ 那里痛?]
[ 背痛痛!] (为娘的只好搓搓雅雅的背)

[ 妈妈,雅雅痛痛!]
[ 又痛痛?不是揉了咯?那里痛?]
[ 脚痛痛!] (为娘的只好又搓搓雅雅的脚)

[ 妈妈,雅雅痛痛!]
[ 又痛痛?不是揉了咯?那里痛?]
[ 衣服痛!] (阿公在偷笑。。。)

The meandering road of getting up to Cameron Highlands causing me to feel a little uncomfortable~~

"Mama, Yaya pain pain"!
"back pain pain"! (mama gave my back a rub)

"Mama, Yaya pain pain"!
"Pain again? I rubbed already! Where pain"?
"Leg pain pain"! (mama gave my leg a rub)

"Mama, Yaya pain pain"!
"Pain again? I rubbed already! Where pain"?
"shirt pain pain"! (grandpa chuckled...)

6 条评论:

凯雯,凯馨 说...


匿名 说...

Little yaya you're so sweet!!! ^_^
Here is Christmas today. Merry Christmas to you all, even if you belong to another religion!

雅雅和茶媽媽 说...


雅雅和茶媽媽 说...

Thanks Alessandra!
Today is New Year, wishing you a Happy 2008! ^_^

雅雅和茶媽媽 说...

Thanks Alessandra!
Today is New Year, wishing you a Happy 2008! ^_^

荦怡 说...
